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La Vache qui frit

We all know ‘The Laughing cow’ cheese. It’s literally translated from the French brand ‘La vache qui rit’. This cow prefers frying.

Price €30.00

Planète Fourcès

Fourcès is a beautiful bastide village in the north of the Gers, with a circular 'place' that is set around where the old chateau used to be.

Price €30.00

Les Plombiers Landais

Les plombiers Landais.  (The plumbers of Les Landes)

Plombiers sounds almost like palombières, which are the huts used to hide while hunting wood pigeons (palombes) in Les Landes.

Price €30.00

Boeuf Bourguignon

The secret to Boeuf Bourguignon is to marinate it in red wine. 

Reproduced as giclée print in various sizes, some with mounts. Available as greeting card as well as on large-format canvas. 

Price €30.00


So, ‘Volaille’ means ‘fowl’, ‘vol’ means ‘fly’, ‘ail’ is French for garlic. So ‘Vol’ail  ! Easy, eh?

Price €30.00

No signal

Ah, Nature, miles from everything…  no noise…  no stress…   hmm, no signal…

Price €30.00

Mon pote âgé (My old mate)

A little word play. ‘Mon Pote âgé’ translates as ‘My old mate’. but ‘Mon potager’ (which sounds exactly the same) means ‘my vegetable patch’.

Price €30.00

Quille d'un oeuf

Quille de neuf, or Quille d'un oeuf ?

Quille is a skittle game played in South West France, very similar to those played in the UK. The nine 'quilles' can be knocked down in different formations to win different points. These ducks have created their own version. I hope the egg is hard boiled!

Price €30.00

Poule Noir Gascon de Paris

To proof its provenance, the Gascon Noir chicken is sold with much of its black feathers attached and is dressed in blue with a waxed mediallion and is a very fashionable bird in Paris

Price €30.00

Parking Supermarché

To each their own task. 

Often one sees the 'papis', wearing their berets, sitting in the car park while their wives do the shopping. Women of that generation often don’t drive, so they need a chauffeur. The men don’t often cook either, so they don’t get involved in the buying.

Price €30.00

Pigeon Circus

Captive wood pigeons are set in the canopy of the trees to draw in the migrating palombes. This clever chap has trained his pigeons to also entertain them.

Price €30.00

Old Rugby Players

These old rugby players have joined up years after their last match together. The old scrum-half feed them the beer as he did the ball, all those years ago.

Price €30.00

Elevé en plein Gers

Playing on the phrase ‘Elevé en plain air’, which means 'raised free range'. This happy duck is being raised in a Gers landscape. 

Price €30.00

Canal du Midi

The beautiful Canal du Midi runs from Toulouse to Sete on the Mediterranean coast. Available as A4, A3 and A2 giclée prints.

Price €30.00

Village fête drunk

A fete lunch can take its toll, if one doesn’t pace onself. This chap has obviously had too much ‘apéro’, wine and armagnac.

Price €30.00

Tournée des grands-ducks

When the French say that they're doing 'La tournée des grands-ducs', it means that they are going on a classy drinking tour of all the best joints in town. An upmarket pub crawl.

Price €30.00