At the pigsty, it's the time when the family gather to slaughter the pig for their supply of sausage, saicisse,boudin and ham for the year. Madame's carriage awaits...
Reproduced as giclée print in various sizes, some with mounts.
Two old friends stop to chat in under the hall in the medieval bastide of Bassoues. The soft suspension of the 2CV make it easier to lean into the sunroof and see each other.
The Poulet Basquaise is a traditional dish from the Basque country. Proud, rich, and tender. Available as art prints in formats A4, A3 and A2. A4 and A3 prints can also be ordered with mounts. If you'd like the Poulet Basquaise on a large-format canvas, please email us for details.
A stolen kiss under a bunch of grapes, amongst the vines.