Please check this page
before you set out to meet Perry.
Events 2024
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November - Maumusson (32) - Open doors at Domaine Capmartin, organic wine maker, during les Portes ouvertes de Madiran.
Saturday 23 November - Pibrac (31) - TWIG Christmas Fair.
Weds 27 November - Lannemezan (65) - Book signing session at the bookshop Le vent des mots.
Saturday 7 December - Fleurance (32) - - Book signing session at the maison de la presse on the square 9.30 - 12.30
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December - Marciac (32) - Christmas market. Perry's gallery on the square will be open both days.
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22 Septembre - Lavardens (32) - Signing session at the Château 15.30-18hrs.
28 and 29 Septembre - Barran (32) - Journées cultures et patrimoine 10-18rs
18 July - 4 August 2024 - Jazz in Marciac (32), Perry opens his pop-up gallery during the jazz festival. His 13th year!
• 27 January 2024 - Rozès (32) - exhibition and book signing session during writer's weekend "Le Gers, Terre d'Auteurs 14h-18h.
• 27 January 2024 - Rozès (32) - exhibition and book signing session during writer's weekend "Le Gers, Terre d'Auteurs 14h-18h.
• Exhibition at Lavardens (32), Château de Lavardens
Open throughout 2024.
For more information Click here
20 July - 6 August - Marciac (32), Jazz in Marciac. Every day from 2pm to 9pm.
During world-famous Jazz festival, Perry welcomes you in his own pop-up gallery in Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Exhibition at Lavardens (32), Château de Lavardens - Open until 28 January 2024. For more information Click here
20 July - 6 August - Marciac (32), Jazz in Marciac. Every day from 2pm to 9pm.
During world-famous Jazz festival, Perry welcomes you in his own pop-up gallery in Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Lavardens (32), Château de Lavardens - 27 July 2019 until 5 January 2020. Due to the popularity of last year exhibition in the chateau, Perry has been invited to exhibit a retrospective of his work from the last ten years.
Marciac (32) - Jazz in Marciac - 25 July - 11 August 2019.
Perry shares his pop-up gallery with Yannick Beslot, Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Beaudean (65), Musée Larrey - 13 July until 27 September 2019.
Bonnemazon (65), Abbaye de l'Escaladieu - March, April, May 2019 (as part of an exhibition on the Occitan language and culture).
Bassoues en Armagnac (32) Domaine de Bilé - november 2018 until april 2019.
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Escalans (40), Château de Buros - Until 13 September.
For more information, click here.
Marciac (32) - Jazz in Marciac
Cazaubon (32) La Bastide Gasconne - Relais et Chateaux
Capvern Les Bains (65) Office de Tourisme - 5 September - 24 October.
Roquecor (81) - Galerie Grenier aux Artistes
Marciac (32).
During world famous Jazz festival in Marciac, Perry shares his pop-up gallery with Yannick Beslot, Galerie d'Art Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Ostau Marmandés, Marmande (47).
A selection of reproductions and Perry's books are on available.
Bassoues (32) - Domaine de Bilé, famille Della Vedove, wine growers. For more information, please click on the image below.
Mézin (47)
Restaurant Un Air de Campagne Mont de Marsan (40)
Bassoues (32), in the 14th century's Donjon tower.
A selection of reproductions, greeting cards and Perry's book are on sale at the reception.
Marciac (32). During world famous Jazz festival in Marciac this year, Perry shares his pop-up gallery with Yannick Beslot, Galerie d'Art Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Bonnemazon (65), Abbaye de l'Escaladieu expo "Di-vin - Une histoire de la vigne et vin"
Perry's prints, book and greeting cards are on sale at the reception.
St Emilion (33), Musée souterrain de la Poterie.
Marciac (32) During world famous Jazz festival in Marciac this year, Perry shares his pop-up gallery with Francis Uwins and Yannick Beslot, Galerie d'Art Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac.
Trie sur Baïse (65)
Tour d'Art 16 artists show their work throughout the village during the two days of the Salon des Antiquaires.
Click here for more information.
Capvern les Bains (65) - Tourist Office.
Bonnemazon (65), Abbaye de l'Escaladieu expo "Di-vin - Une histoire de la vigne et vin"
August 2014 - Galerie Rue des Cinq Parts, Marciac (32)
Musée Larrey, Beaudéan (65)
Médiathèque, Mirande (32)
Médiathèque, Seissan (32)
Office de Tourisme, Mirande (32)
Syndicat d'Initiative, Simorre (32)
La Collégiale, La Romieu (32)
Invité d'honneur, Chateau d'Isle de Noë (32)
Le Donjon, Bassoues (32)
Chapelle de N.D. de la croix, Marciac (32)